In preparing personal promotion items, the Associate must adhere to the fundamental trademark and graphic standards established in this manual. Of those standards, five in particular demand the attention of the individual producing customized advertising:
1. The full name, address (including city and state/province) and telephone number of the Associate’s office (or Broker/Owner-controlled direct-dial number) must appear conspicuously on each piece of promotional material. Direct-line or “off-site” telephone numbers may also be included in personal promotion materials as long as each such number is clearly identified as a direct line, residence or cell phone, as the case may be. Only the office address, not a home or any other addresses, is permitted to appear in personal promotion materials.
Note: RE/MAX standards, as well as many states and provinces, require that such “off-site” numbers always be answered with the name of the office with which the Associate is affiliated. Associates should check with their state’s Real Estate Commission to see if it has specific guidelines related to advertising.
2. The phrase “Each Office Independently Owned and Operated” must be clearly legible on each promotional piece.
3. The Associate may not alter or overlap the RE/MAX Balloon logo or other RE/MAX marks with extraneous images, nor use the logo as a pictorial element; i.e., as a hot air balloon flying in a graphic setting. The red-over- white-over-blue horizontal bar design may not be used for any signage that is listing-related or used like a yard sign – other than real estate “For Sale” signs, open-house signs or directional signs for a specific listing. For required colors and other logo standards, see sections 35-40 of this manual.
4. Any statement or claim included in any personal promotion item, Yellow Pages display ad or other directory listing pertaining to award status, achievement, leadership, sales volume or any other factual claim, must also clearly include the time period and geographic area necessary to put such claim in truthful context. For example: “RE/MAX Platinum Club, 2006 & 2007” or “REALTOR® of the Year, Dade County, Florida, 2008.” All such claims must be substantiated as true before publication.
5. The RE/MAX name and marks cannot be used in any manner that compromises the image of high-quality real estate service associated with the RE/MAX network. This means the Associate may not use with or incorporate into any personal promotion item bearing the RE/MAX name or marks any demeaning, derogatory, defamatory, bizarre or offensive material. Nor may the Associate use any symbol, mark, graphic design or color scheme that emulates the identity scheme or proprietary property of any competing company or organization.
By making their promotional tools graphically consistent with traditional RE/MAX identity and national advertising image, Affiliates get the maximum benefit from the public’s recognition and goodwill toward the RE/MAX brand.
Note: It is important to remember that Sales Associates have no independent right to use any of the RE/MAX marks separate from the specific RE/MAX brokerage company with which they are affiliated.