Congratulations are in order for our RE/MAX Alliance Associates who have garnered these awards from the RE/MAX Mountain States Region. These rankings are based on approximately 4,000 agents in the region.
#1 Average transaction sides per associate for RE/MAX Alliance City Living office
#3 Ryan Turbyfill commissions paid to an individual
#5 Dan England commission paid to an individual
#1 Kim Pitaniello closed transactions individual
#1 Kim Pitaniello commissions paid individual
#1 Jay Powers closed transactions team
#2 Gary Miles commissions paid individual
#9 Lori Corken commissions paid individual
#2 Tupper Briggs commissions paid team
#1 Brad Pech commission paid individual
#3 Mark Pyms commissions paid individual
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Mastery Day Roundup - A Message from Wildhorse Meadows, Steamboat Springs
Congratulations to winner of the Steamboat Springs Getaway, David Elson, of the RE/MAX Alliance Castle Rock office!
We look forward to working with you in the near future and keep in mind Wildhorse Meadows offers a 3% Co/Op commission on all referrals placed under contract!
For further information on Wildhorse Meadows please visit or call us at 877-886-7772.
Wildhorse Meadows is home to simple, uncomplicated life (and sales transactions!).
Best Regards,
Kerry Shea, Director of Sales & Marketing
Bobby Aldighieri, Sales Associate
More Than 60 RE/MAX Alliance Agents Volunteer for Alice’s 36 Hours for Kids Benefiting Children’s Miracle Network
More than 60 broker associates with RE/MAX Alliance participated in the eighth annual Alice 105.9’s 36 Hours for Kids” Radiothon broadcast live from the lobby of the Children’s Hospital on February 11-13, 2009. During the 36-hour event, listeners were urged to call in and make a donation to Children’s Miracle Network (CMN), the primary fundraising arm for The Children’s Hospital. Donations are tax deductible.
For the eighth straight year, radio station Alice 105.9 embarked from its normal format to broadcast live from the hospital, highlighting the incredible stories of hope and miracles that take place at this highly regarded facility. The generous broker associates with RE/MAX Alliance have been in integral part of this important fundraising effort over the years, helping raise more than $1 million annually for CMN. RE/MAX Alliance also hosts an annual charity golf tournament to benefit CMN, with this year’s event slated for August 3rd.
“The broker associates at RE/MAX Alliance are much more than the best real estate professionals in the business…they are also very generous, caring people committed to Children’s Miracle Network and helping the children of the entire Rocky Mountain region,” said Chad Ochsner, Broker/Owner. “Their dedication to the organization continues to surpass expectations, and it is truly a testament to the quality of our associates. We expect to once again exceed our fund-raising goals this year and beyond. CMN is an organization we hold near and dear to our hearts and we are proud of our brokers and proud to be involved with such a worthwhile endeavor.”
CMN nationally raises funds and awareness for 170 children’s hospitals. These leading hospitals affiliated with CMN help 14 million children each year…kids with cancer, birth defects, AIDS, accident trauma and every affliction imaginable. The founding pledge of CMN is that 100 percent of the funds stay in the community within which the funds were raised. Through its continuous efforts to help kids, CMN has raised more than $2.5 billion in just 22 years, most of which is donated one dollar at a time by caring individuals across North America. For more information on the annual Radiothon, phone 1-800-KIDS and visit
Mastery Day Roundup - Special Offer from Denver Business Gifts
Here are a few words from Kevin Hoehner, Denver Business Gifts:
Several RE/MAX Alliance associates told me the same thing over and over. They all want to give a closing gift that was affordable, and had a special meaning for their client. One that was personal yet easy for them to choose and give to their clients, and one the client didn’t know how much they spent. A gift the client would use and enjoyed giving lasting memories and generating referrals. And they loved the fact that there is FREE shipping in the U.S.A. The feed back I received on the Ribbon Gift Collection was fantastic as I had expected, since I’ve heard it several times already and the reason Ribbon is called “The Gift of Choice”.
A couple of RE/MAX Alliance agents who have been using the Ribbon Collection for some time now actually took their time to explain to other agents at my table how much they like using the Ribbon Collections and will continue using them, and explained the benefits they received from Ribbon and the benefits their clients received.
Any time I can help others make their life a little easier, and hopefully give them a little edge over their competition is always a great day for me. I really saw the light go on for several agents even asking if they could mix and match two or three Gift Collections to give at closing. The answer is YES; my mortgage broker in Ft Myers FL has been doing this for years, giving each family member a gift.
If I can answer any questions or be of help to anyone within RE/MAX Alliance, please give me a call or send me an email.
Kevin Hoehner
Sunday, February 22, 2009
RE/MAX Alliance Central Welcomes Krisitne Holvick
Kristine can be reached at,, 303-359-1259.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Mastery Day Roundup - Personal Mastery Programs
Some words from Al Killeen, Personal Mastery Programs
Several years ago, I wrote this newsletter at time in the world where people were challenged by external circumstances and, accordingly, feeling under siege and disempowered.
I thought it was time to revisit where our power comes from, and how might get back in touch with it... to control what we can, and to live with what we can’t...
Please feel free to share it with whomever you feel it may help at this time.......:)
Several years ago, I wrote this newsletter at time in the world where people were challenged by external circumstances and, accordingly, feeling under siege and disempowered.
I thought it was time to revisit where our power comes from, and how might get back in touch with it... to control what we can, and to live with what we can’t...
Please feel free to share it with whomever you feel it may help at this time.......:)
"How To Put The Power Back Into Your Life"
In America today, we are living in a vast population of disempowered people. It isn't government's fault, or the economy's, or the hand of fate.
It is self-created by multitudes of people through the way they approach the issues of power, trust, and commitments.
Power in individuals is a direct reflection of the congruity with which they take actions aligned with their core values and clarity of purpose in life. Trust in individuals is created through the consistency with which a person acts in accordance with their stated purpose. In other words, people have power and can be trusted to the extent that they know themselves clearly, and that they are willing to take actions that are direct reflections of their "word".
A person's "word" is a person's expression or declaration to the world of their deepest promise, their purest expression of being. A person's promise is a powerful and sacred thing. When it is given, it should be so solid that there is never any doubt as to the extreme likelihood that whatever has been promised will occur, to the absolute extent of the giver's ability to make it happen.
I'm going to call people who operate in the above-described manner "whole", or "Commitment type 1" people.
It is self-created by multitudes of people through the way they approach the issues of power, trust, and commitments.
Power in individuals is a direct reflection of the congruity with which they take actions aligned with their core values and clarity of purpose in life. Trust in individuals is created through the consistency with which a person acts in accordance with their stated purpose. In other words, people have power and can be trusted to the extent that they know themselves clearly, and that they are willing to take actions that are direct reflections of their "word".
A person's "word" is a person's expression or declaration to the world of their deepest promise, their purest expression of being. A person's promise is a powerful and sacred thing. When it is given, it should be so solid that there is never any doubt as to the extreme likelihood that whatever has been promised will occur, to the absolute extent of the giver's ability to make it happen.
I'm going to call people who operate in the above-described manner "whole", or "Commitment type 1" people.
"Commitment type 1" people are people who:
- show up at appointments or meetings on time or early;
- never make flimsy excuses for breaking their word;
- are in control of their lives as much as any human being can be;
- are clear as to who they are and what they stand for in life;
- are courageous in standing up for the core values and principles they believe in;
- are willing to be ruthless in controlling their calendars, commitments and circumstances in life, rather than being controlled by them;
- can be trusted to do what they say they will do in life;
- have power to direct their lives to selected futures with great certainty of the outcome;
- rarely have to make excuses for breaking commitments or appointments;
- operate with a discernable air of control and calm, regardless of circumstances.
Now let's talk about the other type of person, the "incongruent" or "Commitment type 2" person. This person is disempowered in life by being untrustworthy to complete what they commit to. They don't mean to be this way. In fact, they are often the most noble and well-intentioned of people. Therein lies the problem. They are so "well-intentioned", they treat commitments as mere intentions subject to non-fulfillment should any circumstances arise that cause a change of priority. Often times, these circumstances aren't even that important. It simply becomes a methodology of operating where commitments are treated as intentions, and then violated (i.e. not completed or fulfilled) because a new commitment or circumstance comes up that interrupts the willingness to honor the original commitment.
The problem with "Commitment type 2" people is that they rob themselves of power and trustworthiness in life. Other people know that they treat commitments as mere intentions (rather than promises), and accordingly accommodate the anticipated violation of that commitment. These are the people who are always late to appointments or meetings. These are the people that other people shake their heads at and laugh when they make commitments. They are expected to dishonor their commitments, and the world supports their disjunctive, incongruent behavior.
The sad reality about "Commitment type 2" people is that they really can't even trust themselves. They know they mean well, but a sense of powerlessness sets in when a person operates in this manner in their life. Also, a sense of emptiness can occur, because these people often have the highest of core values that they believe in, yet are unable to build a life that reflects those values.
"Commitment type 2 people":
- often show up late to appointments or meetings, or cancel them at the last minute;
- are often afraid to say "no" to others, which results in still more over-commitment and further disempowerment;
- fear the confrontation of saying "no" to others, more than they realize the devastating effects of being incongruent to their stated values in life;
- often have to make excuses for consistent violation of what they commit to (which others may take as promises, but they exhibit as mere intentions);
- feel a sense of being out of control of their lives, and their calendars;
- cannot be trusted when making commitments, even by themselves;
- are controlled by circumstances in their lives, rather than controlling their own life;
- often grow discouraged as to their actual ability to create what they desire in their lives;
- often display a sense of anxiety or angst in their daily activities, as though they are barely in control.
So, the final decision is up to you. Are you going to live your life as a "Commitment type 1" person who can trust himself or herself to treat any commitments made as though they are promises, expressions of their "word"?
Or are you going to settle for being a "Commitment type 2" person who gives away their control in life to circumstances by treating commitments as mere intentions.
You are not doomed to continue being a "Commitment type 2" person in the future just because you may have been one in the past. In fact, you will experience transformational epiphany with the courage to declare yourself a "Commitment type 1" person from now on, and hold yourself accountable to being so.
It's your choice.
The choice you make will determine, directly, the power that you have over the results that you will achieve in life, whether in business, relationships, or in any other domain...
I Promise....
"Our deeds determine us,
as much as we determine our deeds..."
as much as we determine our deeds..."
- George Eliot –
Al Killeen
Personal Mastery Programs
4730 Walnut Street, Suite 108
Boulder, Colorado 80301
(Ofc) 303-544-2113
(Cell) 303-478-6344
Boulder, Colorado 80301
(Ofc) 303-544-2113
(Cell) 303-478-6344
(fax) 303-544-2117
John DeWitt Elected Chairman of Upstate Colorado Economic Development
Upstate Colorado is the economic development organization for Weld County. According to the group’s website, the Upstate board has 22 members in addition to the officers. For more information, visit
Friday, February 6, 2009
Green Building Takes Root with our own Barbara Wingate
"Blend with the environment."
Barbara took a tour of the National Renewable Energy Lab in Golden, Colo., that opened her eyes to the importance of combating global climate change. Her passion for the environment made her the ideal leasing agent for a new sustainable office building developed by local entrepreneurs Albert and Judy Challenger. The 11,764-square-foot office building with underground parking combines sylvan views with sustainable materials and systems that preserve the site's natural beauty. To blend in with the community's historic downtown, the local wood building materials were blasted with dried corn to create a weathered look. Leasing began in May, and a law firm has moved in as the anchor tenant. Wingate will focus on promoting the building's environmental amenities and expects no resistance to a rental rate that's slightly higher than usual for the area.
View the Article at
View the Article at
Contact Barbara at
or visit her
website at
When did you last attend FAST Training?
If your answer is "what is Fast Training?" or "I don't remember," then maybe it's time to come to FAST Training.

Every month, RE/MAX Alliance holds FAST Training which is a fast paced, fun, and educational overview of all of the tools and services that are provided to our associates. As you know, the world changes fast. You might even say it changes FAST, and that's why FAST Training is available to all of our agents at any time. We used to call FAST Training 'Orientation', which in many ways it still is, but it's now 'Fantastic Alliance Services and Tools' which is a much more appropriate term.
Need a refresher on all of the ways you can use your website to enhance your business?
Having a tough time justifying your advertising budget and need some lower or no cost marketing options?
Can't remember some of the great reasons why you joined RE/MAX Alliance?
• Once a month, the last Friday of every month (There's one in Westminster on February 20th)
• The location alternates between Westminster and Park Meadows
* Just tell your Office Administrator when you will be attending
Every month, RE/MAX Alliance holds FAST Training which is a fast paced, fun, and educational overview of all of the tools and services that are provided to our associates. As you know, the world changes fast. You might even say it changes FAST, and that's why FAST Training is available to all of our agents at any time. We used to call FAST Training 'Orientation', which in many ways it still is, but it's now 'Fantastic Alliance Services and Tools' which is a much more appropriate term.
Need a refresher on all of the ways you can use your website to enhance your business?
Having a tough time justifying your advertising budget and need some lower or no cost marketing options?
Can't remember some of the great reasons why you joined RE/MAX Alliance?
Come to FAST Training! It's easy -
• Once a month, the last Friday of every month (There's one in Westminster on February 20th)
• The location alternates between Westminster and Park Meadows
* Just tell your Office Administrator when you will be attending
Monday, February 2, 2009
Free Office Rent, Free Signs, Free Trip, Free Blackberry
There are a lot of great drawings for prizes this year at Mastery Day!
- Free Blackberry, $479 value
- Open House Tent Sign and $200 Sign Credit
- Access2U Free Marketing Package, $324 value
- $1,500 Trip to Steamboat Springs
- One Free Month Office Rent $750 Value
You Must be Present to Win - Have you registered for Mastery Day yet? Please register now!
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